GDMB:The European Metallurgical Conference 2021(EMC 2021)【June 27-30, 2021】

EMC 2021 will be dedicated to the continuous efforts of our industry to meet the challenges of a globalizing world by delivering important contributions to the welfare in our future.
Sustainability of metals industry will be duly examined in respect to its technological, ecological and economic aspects in about 30 topical sessions.
Not only the production of metals, but also the preparation and the recycling of raw materials and residues as well as efforts of Circular Economy are discussed. The impact on the environment and health protection are in the focus of the presentations too. In addition, economic and legal issues such as data security and competition law in an increasing digital global industry are discussed.


The EMC 2021 conference is scheduled to address the following main topical subjects

I Resources / Metals
•Light Metals (Al, Mg, Li, Ti)
•Precious Metals
•Nickel / Cobalt / Vanadium
•Minor Metals (Rare Earths, Indium)

II Materials Processing
•Raw Materials Handling
•Process Fundamentals, Modelling and Simulations
•Upgrading processes and handling of Impurities
•General Pyrometallurg
•General Hydrometallurgy
•New Processes
•Process Control

III Sustainable Production
•Recycling / Waste
•Strategic Metals Recovery Technologies
•Secondary Metallurgy
•By-product Treatment
•Developments in Environmental Protection
•Quality Assurance

IV Themes of current issues / Best Practices
•Improving of alloys
•Powder Metallurgy and 3D Print
•Foundry – Casting
•Refractory Materials
•Economic Prospects and Trading
•HSE practices and Legal Aspects
•Industry 4.0
•Circular Economy


June 27-30, 2021


EMC 2021 will take place at:
Salzburg Congress
Auerspergstraße 6
5020 Salzburg

Important dates

June 10th, 2020: Deadline for submission of abstracts
August 10th, 2020: Acceptance of papers will be made public
September 30th, 2020: Submit manuscript for peer review
January 15th, 2021: Deadline for final manuscript
April 30th, 2021: 30th, 2021 Deadline for presenters to register for the conference


Check EMC 2021 WEB-site for details.


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FAX +49 5323 / 93 72 – 37