We provide the following services to our members as membership privileges.
[Free subscription to our newsletter]
You will receive a free subscription to our newsletter, the “MMIJ Quarterly” (four issues per year). (We will send one copy each to Regular Members and Student Members and the number of copies corresponding to the number of membership units to Supporting Members.)
[Viewing the manuscripts of the proceedings of the Spring and Fall Meetings of the MMIJ]
Members of the MMIJ can exclusively view the manuscripts of the proceedings of the “Spring and Fall Meetings of the MMIJ” held after the MMIJ 2014 Meeting (Kumamoto). (We will assign and change an ID and password every year.)
Regular Members may submit papers to the Journal of MMIJ (if there are multiple authors, at least one has to be a Regular Member) and articles to the MMIJ Quarterly.
[Purchase of books]
Members can purchase some of the books published by the MMIJ at member discount prices. (Page with a list of books)
[Attending meetings]
Members can attend events organized by the MMIJ at member discount fees.
[Attending events co-hosted, co-sponsored or supported by the MMIJ]
Members can attend events which are organized by other institutes and co-hosted, co-sponsored or supported by the MMIJ, at member discount fees.
[Posting event guides in the MMIJ Quarterly or on the MMIJ Website]
Members of the MMIJ can exclusively use the event guide posting service in the MMIJ Quarterly or on the MMIJ Website, free of charge. (※However, we may decline to post an event guide depending on the contents of the event. Also, an event guide might be posted only on the MMIJ Website due to the publishing schedule of the MMIJ Quarterly.
[Placement of advertisements by Supporting Members]
Members can place advertisements in the MMIJ Quarterly or banners on the MMIJ Website at member discount charges.
[Right to run for a Delegate election and voting right of a Delegate]
Regular Members and Supporting Members may run for a Delegate Election. (Each Delegate has a voting right in the General Assembly.)
[Commendation System]
Members who have made distinguished research or technical achievements will be commended and awarded with the MMIJ Award (Literature Prize, Technical Prize).
[Right to join Department Committees]
Members may join any of the Department Committees of their choice.